Sex and the City- Samantha’s Quotes- +18

Cum ti s-a parut serialul Sex and the City( Totul despre sex)?

Deoarece mi-a placut foarte mult, m-am gandit sa dedic cateva postari unor replici din serial, deoarece iti vei aminti de momentele amuzante, de personaje si vei fi cu zambetul pe buze( sau socat/a sau dezgustat/a- depinde de fiecare). Oricum, eu sper sa ai parte de cateva momente de relaxare.


”Fuck me badly once, shame on you. Fuck me badly twice, shame on me.”

” Last night I could not stop thinking about a Big Mac. I finally had to get dressed, go out and pick up a guy.”

”The bad news is you’re fired. The good news is now I can fuck you.”

”I saw you get into a cab with a woman wearing come-fuck-me heels!”

”Why? Why does he have to have a small dick? I really like him.”

”Sure, he’s cute, straight and we’ve known him for ten years. Haven’t we all had sex with Danny?”

”I will not be judged by you or society. I will wear whatever, and blow whomever I want, as long as I can breathe and kneel.”

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